Modern Day Messaging Patterns
Its been a few days now and I have been focused on understanding modern day messaging patterns for a problem I am trying to solve. I do know that there are existing server side tools like Active MQ, Rabbit MQ and even WMS that can do the trick and already have pre-defined patterns tested and validated for performance and security but in this case even though I am not trying to reinvent the wheel in terms of creating a new pattern or any of these server side products, I am definitely trying to understand the manner in which these products have been created and if I can actually leverage some of the principles in a server side application I am writing up. For example in modern based web application development, if .Net based, you have patterns like the one's defined here: Microsoft SOA patterns that do the neat tricks you would need. Man at times I feel I am going at 300 miles an hour without any crash guards: Code reviews, Custom product development, Customer Engagements, Team man...