New CEO for Microsoft

It was recently announced that Satya Nadella (a Microsoft veteran) has become the CEO of Microsoft. Even though I have a great sense of pride that a person of Indian origins or a first generation American immigrant of Indian origins is now the biggest and probably the most powerful person in the I.T. industry today, Microsoft placed a safe bet in naming Nadella as its CEO. I feel that a better choice would have been Sundar Pichai (VP @ Google) or even Robin Li ( The founder and CEO of Baidu). Of course from an experience point of view Nadella would need absolutely no introduction. His resume speaks for itself. He created and successfully handled a multitude of Microsoft's unique silo's or divisions. But infusing new ideas decoupled from the earlier thought process that Microsoft has always had would have paved for a new era when it comes to Microsoft revolutionizing the tech industry. This is a factor that will bear a brunt in Microsoft's cogs because clearly Nadella has been part of this thought process that has been detrimental to Microsoft and probably will not deviate from this (Old habits die hard). Another big let down was the fact that my idol Bill Gates is back in a technical role. It just shows the level of confidence that the old guard at Microsoft has for the new CEO. Of course Microsoft has pushed it across as a highlight of Nadella becoming the CEO, since the legendary Bill Gates with all his experience of building an empire is back at the tech table. But to me this is more of a smoke screen than anything else. This made Nadella look a bit weak in retrospect with what should have considered to have been a tribute to the old era. Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer could have come out with their heads held high with a great sense of achievement of building a global entity from scratch and handing over the reigns to Nadella but this does not remain the case as Mr. Gates is back in a full time capacity and Ballmer would definitely be present for an interim period till Nadella settles down. This is the reason Microsoft should have gone with a fresh CEO, a person who can enable Microsoft's key strengths as well as infuse new ideas. I was rooting for Sundar since his name was dropped into the hat. Who knows this might have been the handshake that the two biggest giants in the industry Google and Microsoft might have required. Another person who I thought of when Microsoft was searching for a new CEO was Mark Zuckerburg. Sure he has a Facebook to handle, but just imagine if he was named the CEO of Microsoft and Facebook would no longer remain a unique identity but becomes a part of Microsoft. That truly would have been an earth shattering event. Two giants coming together as one integrated unit which would continue to create magic ( a dream that never became reality). These are my thoughts and I felt like expressing them but you never know maybe the Nadella-Gates combination might become a "Six" (as they call it in cricket).


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