Nice Tidy SQL problem & Solution

Have been writing a couple of tech articles in the recent past (If I had started writing it on a regualr basis I might have had an encyclopedia by now.... I should write something else just 4 a change huh!!!):
Question posted on one of the SQL server sites out there--> concatenation of rows to columns....
There are 3 ways of accomplishing it and I ain't going thru all those approaches but will just highlight them (except for my solution here):-
1. Creating a dynamic SQL which will keep concatenating the rows into a specific column in a PL/SQL block which returns the required table.

2. Using recursive CTE to concatenate the rows into columns .... Maybe should hit upon CTE's which are extremely useful in a later post (If I get some time i.e.)

3. Now this method is pretty cool Now let me give the problem statement as posted by that individual...

Let us create the table in the following manner-->
select 'Report1' as reportID,'Browser' as RoleID, 'YChen' as User2
into #tbl
select 'Report1' as reportID,'Browser' as RoleID,'AChen' as User2
select 'Report1' as reportID,'Browser' as RoleID,'BChen' as User2
select 'Report2' as reportID,'Browser' as RoleID,'YChen' as User2
select 'Report2' as reportID,'Browser' as RoleID,'XChen' as User2
select 'Report2' as reportID,'Browser' as RoleID,'BChen' as User2
select 'Report1' as reportID,'Writer' as RoleID,'YChen' as User2
select 'Report1' as reportID,'Writer' as RoleID,'XChen' as User2

When you execute the following sql you will get the following results:-
SQL> select * from #tbl

Now comes the part where one would want to concatenate the table in the following manner (a sample row)-->



BChen XChen YChen

So this is what I did--> I utililized the FOR XML clause in the sql query to generate an XML data set for the column that required to be concatenated in the following manner:-
select reportid,replace(replace(Val,'<User2>',''),'</User2>','')
(select distinct a.reportid,
(select distinct User2+' ' from #tbl c where c.reportid = a.reportid FOR XML PATH('')) as Val
from #tbl a) x


More details about the FOR XML is defined in the following link:

And that ends a nice problem with a bang!


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